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Monthly Archives: May 2010

If you are new to EVE and seeking someone to teach you the ropes, then you should call the Thunderbolts your home. We have a long history of training new players and are currently seeking new people to begin the next phase of our long-term plan. Looking for people who want to be with EVE for some time. With the installation of the new Tyrannis software, it is now a great time for anyone seeking to join EVE for the first time. If you are a old veteran of EVE we are interested in you as well.

Seeking players interested participating in:
Ship to ship combat (protection, scouting)
Mining (both the resource gathering and production of minerals)
Product Design (we have hundreds of blueprints)
Marketing and Recruiting (products and potential services)
Resource Scouting and Wormhole Hunters
Planet Resource Management (this is completely new so we are all learning it together)
Scientific Research and Development (Advance technology & ships)

No one has to be interested in everything, but the more of the list you are interested in, the better the chance that we will keep you busy and interested. We are also seeking leaders. People with the ability to command respect, direct and coordinate operations, and plan for the future. Since we are starting the corporation anew, there will be ample opportunity to make money, make friends and see the EVE Universe.

The corporation is currently enlisted in the Gallente Militia, which is used to train pilots in combat tactics and techniques, but that is a condition that can be changed with the request of enough pilots. While it is active, Gallente space is relatively safe but Caldari and Amarr space are hostile territories. If you are interested in the changes in the Tyrannis update, you can read the EVE Online Developer Notes.

Thunderbolts [THBLT]

Thunderbolts Inc. is a complete and full service corporation. Combining an industrial, mining and manufacturing based operation with a multipurpose, multifaceted fleet performing an array of services in secure empire territories as well as in insecure space. The Thunderbolts are headquartered in the Placid Region in the 0.1 security region of GARE at the Core Complexion Station.We have several other offices in 0.0 space in the Placid Region and are working on operations all over the galaxy. Our primary sources of income include mining for ore, mineral refining, equipment manufacturing, and hunting NPC pirates in low security space (0.0 usually). Individuals spend their time when group operations are not scheduled, working the galaxy’s agent missions, making money and earning specialized faction bonuses and equipment.We offer activities including group mining operations, DED complex runs, NPC hunting, mission running, and Low and High security operations in a great team environment. We are a multi-ethnic corporation which accepts all players willing to learn and are team players. We are strong, friendly corporation with players from the US, UK, Singapore and China. Teamspeak server pending but not a requirement.

We have three primary concentrations:

Thunderbolts Industrial
This division provides the creation of mineral wealth as well as the manufacture of munitions vital in this war-shaped economy, the creation of high-quality shipboard components including offensive and defensive technologies as well as the manufacturing capability to produce small to medium-sized warships and industrial vessels.
Other duties include:
a) mining of ore, asteroids, ice fields
b) refining of ore into elemental compound materials
c) manufacture of technology based on contemporary blueprints
d) the creation of type I frigates, destroyers and cruisers
e) the creation type I munitions, offensive, defensive and other warfare technologies

Thunderbolts Science division
This division is responsible for the continual development of blueprints through research and distribution of copies through the planetary escrow network. This division also creates and redistributes research on technology, tactical data on ships and their configurations, and information on the company’s specialty in Electronic Warfare and Support Technology.

Thunderbolt Fleet Operations
Fleet Operations primarily support the organization’s mining, hauling and scouting efforts. We also lend fleets to:

  • Piracy patrols with an effort to reduce piracy in the nearby Placid regions
  • Exploration of the regions surrounding the Placid regions
  • Combined fleet operations with the Cyrene Initiative Alliance

This division has amassed a small fleet of frigates, cruisers and battlecruisers. Our fleet is comprised of all of the racial technologies of EVE and does not specialize in one type over another. We have pilots who fly all four of the fleet types as well.

Our Core Principles:
Teamwork and Cooperation
Free and Open Communication
Accountability and Responsibility
All for one and one for all

Our Core Values:
Integrity – we keep our word. Period.
Honesty – we do not steal from each other
Commitment – we are committed to high performance play
Mutual Respect – everyone in the corporation has value
Trust – Our goal is to engender trust in each other and our allies

Things we look for:
A good sense of humor: makes the game fun
Thick skin: helps when attitudes are flaring
Inner peace: so you don’t take this too seriously when you get podded

Membership Requirements:
English Speaking (willing to teach English interested and committed players)
Ability to work in a team environment
Willingness to contribute to your characters personal advancement
Willingness to contribute to the growth of the corporation
A desire to have fun playing the game with a great group of members
Convo or evemail Lan Martak ingame, or send an email to:

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